Local Area Networks (LANs)
Local Area Network (LAN) is a fast (at least ~ Mb/s), geo-graphically limited (~ km) digital communications network, which is owned and operated by the user organization
Packet radio neworks (Aloha ja Slotted Aloha) in Hawaii
- The first LAN was the early version of Ethernet in 1976, about 3 Mb/s
- Digital-Intel-Xerox “DIX” specification in 1979, 10 Mb/s
- Ethernet 2 in 1982
Token Ring
- IBM Token Ring in 1985, 4 Mb/s
- Later also 16 Mb/s version
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), 100 Mb/s
High-speed Ethernet: 100 Mb/s and 1 Gb/s