Call for eLearning Papers on the European Year of Creativity and
Innovation 2009
There are numerous definitions of innovation. It is understood in many
different ways in scientific and professional discourses, not to
mention the colloquial use and over-use of the term in business, media
and politics. Similar exploitation applies to the term 'creativity'.
Globalization of knowledge, and the subsequent dissemination of
concepts and best practices, are turning the working and learning
cultures more innovative. On a European scale, competitiveness cannot
be reached without competence development throughout the educational
systems and working life. This requires a committed change towards
passionate learning. We need and welcome a continuous debate over the
concepts and the phenomena which link learning, ICT development and
To encourage creativity, the concept of innovation should be traced
back to economy, technology and sociology, from where it has spread
across other fields of research and professional practice. A common
criterion for calling any phenomenon "innovation" is that it has to
have some novelty and economic exploitability. Creativity stemming
from psychology has a clear humanistic not-for-profit connotation.
There is, however, a double bind between these concepts. There is no
innovation without creativity and creativity will not be fully
benefited unless the fruits of creative activities can also be spread
and exploited through business and other societal interaction
mechanisms. Therefore, putting these concepts together under the loop
could create fertile juxtapositions and clashes which we would like to
solicit in this special issue of eLearning Papers dedicated to
"Creativity and Innovation". Particularly when addressing such an
exciting polarity, we would not want to be restrictive in defining
subthemes. Nevertheless the following might help to narrow down your
1. Open innovation and learning
2. Creative coalitions redefining innovation systems in higher
education and working life
3. Empowering peer networks in knowledge creation, sharing and exploitation
4. Towards true knowledge economies and increased productivity
through networking and innovative working life practices
5. Different innovative learning concepts and practices
6. Sustainable innovation supported by conceptualized learning
7. Global value networks and technology enhanced learning
Article guidelines
Please consult the eLearning Papers website for the full guidelines:
* Language: English
* Length: Full texts of 2,000 - 6,000 words
* Executive summary of 250-320 words
* Keywords (3-6 descriptive keywords)
* Tables, pictures and figures if necessary
* References according to the guidelines
* Author's short bio, contact information and picture must be provided
The deadline for article submissions is January 12, 2009.
Provisional publishing date is April 28, 2009.
For further information and to submit your article, please contact:
Guest Editor: Markku Markkula, Director of the Lifelong Learning
Institute Dipoli at the Helsinki University of Technology
-- Ari archie Korhonen (Email: Ari.Korhonen_at_hut.fi) Tel: +358-44-519 6948 (mobile); +358-9-451 3387 (work) http://www.hut.fi/u/archie/Received on 2008-11-23 klo 15.52 EET
Tämän arkiston loi hypermail 2.2.0 : 2008-11-23 klo 15.52 EET