Helsinki University of Technology
Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
P.O. Box 5400
FI-02015 TKK
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Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
TKK Technical Reports in Computer Science and Engineering,
Espoo, 2009
Algorithm Visualization System for Teaching Spatial Data Algorithms
Jussi Nikander, Juha Helminen and Ari Korhonen
Keywords: Algorithm visualization, automatic assessment, leanring environments, spatial data algorithms, TRAKLA2
ISSN: 1797-6944
TRAKLA2 is a web-based learning environment for data structures and algorithms. The system delivers automatically assessed algorithm simulation exercises that are solved using a graphical user interface. In this work, we introduce a spatial data algorithm extension to the TRAKLA2 system. It is based on using several different types of visualizations on various levels of abstraction simultaneously. The visualizations show both how data elements relate to each other in terms of spatial attributes and how they are stored in data structures.
The extension has been in use on the spatial data algorithms course at Helsinki University of Technology for two years. The learning results of students using the system are comparable to previous results on a basic data structures and algorithms course using either TRAKLA2 or similar pen and paper exercises. The students' attitudes towards the system have been mostly positive.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Helsinki, August 18th, 2009
PDF: Algorithm Visualization System for Teaching Spatial Data Algorithms